How to make reels on Facebook that attract an audience?

How To Make Reels on Facebook That Attract an Audience

Table of Contents

Let’s introduce “Reels on Facebook,” A new feature launched by Facebook in more than 150 Countries. Reels on Facebook are a great way to promote your work and connect with your audience. Celebrities, brands, publishers, and creatives alike use reels. They’re also constantly evolving as Facebook introduces new features that make creating dynamic, shareable content easier than ever. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about creating Facebook reels, including how long they can be and how to use them effectively in your social media strategy.

Table of Content

  1. What are Reels on Facebook?
  2. How to Make Reels on Facebook: 7 Quick Steps
  3. How does the Facebook Reels algorithm work?
  4. Best Facebook Reel Features: How to Apply Correctly to Enhance Views
  5. Tips to make your Reels on Facebook More Engaging
  6. Is Facebook Reels different from Instagram Reels and TikTok?

What are Reels on Facebook?

How To Make Reels on Facebook That Attract an Audience

Reels on Facebook are a great way to show off your creativity, connect with your audience and keep them coming back for more. Reels are a new feature on Facebook that lets you create videos from scratch using photos, text, and music. These can be shared across social media platforms as well as embedded in posts and stories on Facebook itself. With reels, we want to bring together all the main things that make up an engaging video: visuals (camera), sound (audio), and storytelling (narrative).

How to Make Reels on Facebook: 7 Quick Steps

To make Facebook Reels, you must utilize the Facebook Reels app (iOS or Android). You won’t be able to make Facebook Reels on the Facebook desktop, but you will be able to watch Reel videos.

  • Launch the Facebook app.
  • Scroll down to the Reels and short films part of your News Feed.
  • Select the Create option.
  • Directly record your video or choose one from your camera roll.
  • If this is the first time you have made a video, you must provide Facebook access to the microphone and camera.
  • Make changes to your video.
  • To publish your Reel, tap Next.

Make Reels on Facebook

How does the Facebook Reels algorithm work?

How does the Reels on Facebook algorithm work

The Facebook Reels algorithm is a little different than the TikTok one. It uses Watch Time as its main ranking factor, which is simply the time spent watching videos. But you also need to ensure that your video has high engagement and comments — these are both important factors for ranking well on Facebook. We’ll cover those in this article too!

#1. Watch Time

The first factor that the Facebook Reels algorithm considers is watch time. The longer you watch videos, the more likely it is that advertisers will pay for them to be shown to you and other users. This makes sense–if someone watches a video for 30 seconds or less, they may not have gotten anything out of it or even understood what was being said in the first place. Why would anyone else if they’re not interested enough in what’s being advertised (or if there isn’t much content)?

The second reason why advertisers care about watch time is that longer viewing sessions mean more opportunities for people to remember their message. The more memorable something is, the more likely it’ll be shared among friends and family members through word-of-mouth marketing campaigns which can lead directly back into brand awareness metrics like impressions or clicks per view/clickthrough rate (CTR).

#2. People You Follow

The second factor that influences your Facebook Reels algorithm is the number of people you follow. This is because the more people you follow, the more videos you’ll see in your feed.

Following many people who also have many followers will help boost your reach and visibility on Facebook’s News Feed algorithm. However, it’s important to note that even if someone isn’t famous but has a large number of friends and family members who interact with their content regularly (e.g., by liking or commenting), then this could still work in their favor when it comes to making sure their videos are seen by more users than just those who already follow them directly!

#3. Interactions

Interactions are the most important factor in determining whether or not your video is published on Facebook. The more interactions you get, the more likely it is that your video will be shown to people.

There are two types of interactions: likes and comments. When someone likes your video or leaves a comment on it, this tells Facebook that they’re interested in what you’re sharing–and therefore, they should show it to other people who might also be interested!

The Facebook Reels Algorithm is a Little Different than the TikTok one.

You might be wondering how the Facebook Reels algorithm works. Well, it’s actually a little different than TikTok’s.

In case you’re not familiar with it, TikTok is a social video platform that allows users to create short videos using pre-made filters and music tracks and add their own soundtracks from their phones’ music libraries.

Facebook Reels also lets users create short videos–but unlike TikTok, these are more focused on longer content rather than shorter clips (although there are still some shorter options). In fact, some of our favorite Facebook Reels have been around 15 minutes long!

Best Facebook Reel Features: How to Apply Correctly to Enhance Views

The Facebook Reel is a great way to show off your work. This article will cover what makes a good reel and how you can make sure yours stands out from the crowd. The Facebook Reel is a powerful tool for filmmakers. It can be used to show off your work, gain new clients and get more gigs in the future. But if you’re not careful, your reel could make you look like an amateur who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

3D Effects

3D effects are a great way to make your reel stand out. They can be used to create visual interest, add depth and perspective, or even give the illusion of scale.

The best way to start using 3D effects is by looking at other people’s work who have done something similar before you. This will help you figure out what works well and doesn’t so well so that you can avoid making those same mistakes when creating your own reel!


Text can be added to the video. In addition, text can be animated, so it moves and changes size during the video. You can also change the font, color, and size of your text.

Text can be added in different locations on the screen, such as at the bottom of your video or right in front of it! You can even make it appear only when someone clicks on your link! And last but not least, you can add any language you want since FB allows us to use multiple languages within our posts/ads/etc.

Content Creation Tools

You can create a video with the tools, upload it to Facebook and even import it from YouTube. If you’re looking to share on other platforms, there are options for that too! You can create an animated GIF or a live video. These are both engaging ways to share with your audience and help boost engagement! You can also use the tool to create a collage for your post and add text, stickers, emojis, and more.

Sound Options

  • Sound effects: Facebook Reels allow you to add sound effects to your reel. This can be useful for highlighting sounds that are important to the scene or adding a musical score.
  • Music: You can also add music from your personal library, which can help set the tone of your video.
  • Voiceover: If you aren’t happy with how your voice sounds when recorded by yourself, consider hiring someone else (like me!) to do all the talking in your reel!
  • Narration: Narrations are another great way to provide context for what’s happening on screen while keeping viewers engaged in what they’re watching.

Tips to Make your Reels on Facebook More Engaging

Tips to make your Reels on Facebook More Engaging

If you’re a content creator, you know how important it is to have an eye-catching reel on your Facebook page. Reels are the first thing people see when they visit your page, and they’re a great way to introduce people to your work in an easy-to-digest format. But creating an engaging reel can be difficult — especially if you don’t have much experience with them. It’s crucial to produce quality content for SEO too, but it can also specifically affect your DA and DR matrix. Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take to create a truly eye-popping reel that will grab viewers’ attention from start to finish!

Have a clear beginning.

The beginning of your video is the most important part, as it sets the tone for the rest of your reel. You can use a title card or an opening line, but you should also have music playing in the background.

It’s best to use music that indicates the kind of work you do. For example, if you’re a composer who writes music for commercials, then it’s okay to have some upbeat background music playing in the beginning. On the other hand, if you are an editor who works on documentaries or indie films, then use somber music that sets up the tone of your reel later on.

Don’t use too many different clips in one reel.

A good rule of thumb is to have no more than three clips in your reel. If you have more than this, viewers will find it hard to follow what’s happening. You can use different styles and effects within these three clips, but make sure they all have some connection with each other. For example, if one clip shows an actor in a comedy scene, then another clip could show them acting in a drama scene, and then finally, another showing them in an action scene (or something similar). It’s important not only for the viewer but also for casting directors who are looking at your reel. For example, suppose they see two completely unrelated scenes next to each other without any transition between them (especially if those scenes are shot using very different styles). In that case, it’ll probably make their head spin!

Find a Unique Style

When it comes to creating engaging Facebook Reels, it can be tempting to try and copy other people’s styles. But if you want your work to stand out, you’ll need to find a unique style that fits your brand. Meanwhile, your content should feature your branding elements, the unique logo design, and colors. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles or techniques; sometimes, the best personal post ideas come from unexpected places!

Use the Tools Available

You can use the Facebook video editor to add text and graphics to your videos. This will help you make your content more engaging, especially if you’re creating a tutorial or how-to video. In addition, the Facebook Live platform allows you to live stream directly from your phone or computer, so viewers can interact with you while watching (and chatting).

Facebook also has many resources available for creators, including their Creator Page Insights tool that shows exactly what types of content are performing well on their page, so they know what type of content should be created next!

Use Sound Effect

Sound effects are a great way to grab your viewers’ attention, create rhythm and add emotion.

Here’s an example: If you have a video clip of someone riding a bike, try adding the sound effect of tires squealing when they turn. Or, if you’re showing off how well your product works, play some music in the background that matches its function (think “The Entertainer” for a piano).

Add Captions

Captions are a great way to add extra information and can be used in several ways to enhance your video.

  • Caption the context of the video: If you have a lot going on in your reel or it’s hard to see certain things clearly, adding captions can help viewers understand what’s happening. This is especially important if characters are speaking or acting out parts of the story (for example, if two children are playing together). You may also want to add captions when other elements might not be obvious at first glance–for example, if someone has an unusual accent or uses jargon outside their field of expertise.
  • Add call-to-action text: Some people like using this feature as part of their branding strategy because it helps create consistency across all social media channels; however, we recommend keeping these short so as not to take away from watching videos!

Plan Ahead of Time

Planning ahead will help you avoid mistakes and save time. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget something important, but planning ahead can help ensure that doesn’t happen.

For example, suppose your video includes a call-to-action (CTA), such as asking people to subscribe or share their thoughts on the topic. In that case, this CTA must be present throughout the entire video so viewers know exactly what they should do next when they’ve finished watching it. If there are multiple CTAs spread throughout multiple scenes, then make sure each one has its own location within those scenes so users can take all the actionable steps when viewing them again later on their phones or computers after returning home from work.

Is Facebook Reels different from Instagram Reels and TikTok?

Is Facebook Reels different from Instagram Reels and TikTok

Facebook’s answer to TikTok and Instagram Reels may seem like yet another rip-off of a popular trend. Still, it’s a different experience for creators and users than either of those platforms. The ability to engage with fans, connect with influencers you admire, and get paid for using your social media skills makes Facebook Reels a big deal.

No Difference.

It’s not different than TikTok or Instagram. But it is different from YouTube. It’s a social network, like Instagram and TikTok, but with some key differences:

  • Facebook Reels is more of an all-in-one experience than either of those platforms, and it doesn’t have any direct competitors at the moment (i.e., there are no other apps with this particular feature set).
  • The audience on Facebook Reels tends to be older than that on Instagram or TikTok, so creators can expect fewer fans who may be interested in their content if it isn’t specifically targeted toward them (i.e., teens).
  • For creators looking for additional monetization opportunities beyond just making money from ads as they do on YouTube–which includes things like merchandising sales via third-party websites like Teespring or RedBubble–they should consider using Facebook Reel Ads as well because these will help drive traffic back into your channel while also providing valuable analytics data about what type of ads work best for each individual creator based on demographics such as age range and gender demographics.

It’s not a Google vs. Apple situation.

Facebook is not trying to compete with YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram. That’s because Facebook already owns the social media space and isn’t looking to branch out into other platforms like Google and Apple are doing.

When you think about it, it makes sense that these companies would want their content creators on a platform where they can reach more people and make more money. But there’s one thing they aren’t considering: Facebook is already winning in terms of users and engagement–and if a creator wants to make money off their content right now (which most do), then they need Facebook as an audience partner over any other platform.

Instagram Reels can reach a wider audience on its own app, but Facebook is a bigger platform.

Instagram is a bigger platform than Facebook, and that means Instagram Reels can reach more people on their own app. But Facebook is an overall bigger platform, so it can also be used to help promote your Instagram Reel.

The best way to use both platforms together is by uploading your video to both platforms simultaneously and cross-promoting it on each other’s page. This will give you access to a wider audience while ensuring that the content gets seen by all your followers on both networks!

Generate ad revenue for creators, which Instagram Reels can’t do.

You can monetize your Facebook Reels. You can’t do that with Instagram Reels. Facebook Reels are limited to 30 seconds, whereas Instagram Reels are limited to 15 seconds. The length of time you have available for your content is one thing that’s different between the two platforms, but there are also some other important differences worth noting:

  • Facebook Reels have a built-in comment section that lets you respond to your audience. Instagram doesn’t have this feature yet, but it’s possible that it could be added in the future.
  • Facebook Reels are more likely to get your content seen by people outside of your network since they’re posted on Facebook’s News Feed.
  • You can share your Facebook Reel on other platforms like Twitter or YouTube; however, this isn’t possible with Instagram videos or TikToks (which aren’t really “videos” anyway).

Facebook is currently testing several different ways to make money from short-form videos.

As Facebook is testing several different ways to make money from short-form videos, ads are not the only option. For example, Facebook could choose to go with a subscription model, where users pay for content like they would on YouTube or Netflix. This would likely be the best way for Facebook to monetize its short videos since it already has such a large audience and people are used to paying for things online.

However, this may not be possible because of Apple’s new rules regarding subscriptions on iOS devices (which will come into effect in June 2020). The new rules require apps that offer subscriptions through their own stores and websites must use Apple Pay as their payment method; if they don’t comply with these terms, they won’t be allowed onto the App Store anymore!


Assume you have a nagging doubt that Reels on Facebook aren’t going away. In such a situation, you should reconsider your entire social media marketing plan.

TikTok is undeniably the leader in the vertical video genre. However, this does not imply that other social media behemoths have yet to abandon.

TikTok is trailed by Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Facebook Reels, and the race is on.

This is why we picked and discussed Facebook Reels this time around. One of the key lessons from this essay is that disregarding “video” while performing social media marketing is a massive error. We attempted to explain the Facebook Reels feature and how you can use it to get ahead of your competitors on social media.

It is now up to you to decide how and when you use Facebook Reels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How long can Facebook Reels be?

A1. Reels on Facebook are short videos that can last up to 60 seconds. You may share your reels with the public or with your Facebook friends.

Q2. Where are Facebook Reels shown?

A2. It isn’t very easy to locate the Reels option on Facebook. On both iOS & Android, go to the Facebook app, select the menu option, then scroll down; you will see the reel option. Select that & voila; you can see & create both from there.

Q3. How can you turn off Reels on Facebook?

A3. The program does not let you disable Facebook reels. You can use an older Facebook app version if you wish to delete it. It is not advised; however, if you want to remove Facebook reels from the program, you may install the previous version.

Q4. Can you monetize Facebook Reels?

A4. Meta has increased the number of “monetization” advertising in Facebook Reels. That means you’ll see banner advertisements that show as a semi-transparent overlay at the bottom of a reel or static sticker ads “that may be put wherever inside a creator’s reel.” In addition, producers in “almost all countries where in-stream advertisements are permitted” have access to Facebook’s ad placement program.

Q5. Why do brands use Facebook Reels?

A5. Reels allow marketers to reach new audiences that were previously thought to be beyond reach. Not only are reels now preferred by the Instagram algorithm, but they also have their own area in the app. Users may surf through a stream of trending Reels, similar to Tik Tok.


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