How to Use Pinterest for Bloggers

how to use pinterest

Table of Contents

You might be wondering, “Is Pinterest really worth my time as a blogger?” Here’s the short answer: absolutely. Pinterest isn’t just another social media platform—it’s a powerful search engine that can drive serious traffic to your blog. Imagine a tool that not only helps people discover your content but also keeps bringing in visitors long after you’ve hit publish. That’s Pinterest.

But how do you make Pinterest work for you? This guide covers everything you need to know, from setting up your account to crafting the perfect pins that will have people flocking to your blog.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Pinterest Business Account

Pinterest can be a game-changer for bloggers, but to unlock its full potential, you need to start with the right foundation—a Pinterest business account. This type of account gives you access to essential features like Pinterest Analytics, Rich Pins, and advertising tools that are vital for growing your blog’s reach.

How to Switch to a Business Account

  1. Create a New Account or Convert an Existing One:

    • If you don’t have a Pinterest account yet, head over to Pinterest’s website and create one. During setup, you’ll have the option to select a business account.
    • If you already have a personal account, don’t worry! You can easily switch to a business account in your account settings by selecting “Convert to business” under the “Account Settings” tab.
  2. Claim Your Blog:

    • Claiming your website is crucial because it allows Pinterest to track your content and provides access to advanced analytics. Here’s how you do it:
      • Go to your account settings and find the “Claim” option.
      • Enter your blog’s URL and follow the instructions to add a small piece of code to your website. If you’re using WordPress, plugins like Yoast SEO or RankMath can make this super easy.
      • Once you’ve added the code, head back to Pinterest and click “Verify.” It might take a day or two, but once Pinterest confirms, your website is officially claimed!
  3. Set Up Rich Pins:

    • Rich Pins pull metadata from your website and display it directly on your pins, making them more informative and clickable. Setting them up is a must for any serious blogger.
    • To get started, visit Pinterest’s Rich Pin Validator and paste the URL of one of your blog posts. Click “Validate,” and if everything checks out, you’ll be prompted to apply for Rich Pins. Once approved, all of your pins will automatically pull data from your website, making them stand out even more.

Step 2: Optimizing Your Profile for Maximum Visibility

Your Pinterest profile is like the storefront of your blog in the Pinterest world. To attract and engage your target audience, your profile needs to be optimized with the right visuals and keywords. This will not only help you get discovered more easily but also make sure that when people do find you, they stick around.

Create a Compelling Profile

Profile Picture:

Your profile picture is one of the first things people see when they visit your Pinterest page. Make sure it’s professional and represents your brand. If you have a personal brand, a high-quality headshot works great. For a blog focused on a specific niche, consider using your blog’s logo. The image should be clear and ideally, the same one you use across all your social media platforms to maintain brand consistency.


Your Pinterest bio is short but crucial. You have 160 characters to tell visitors who you are and what your blog is about. Use this space to communicate your blog’s focus and include a few keywords that potential followers might search for. For example, if you run a travel blog, your bio might say something like, “Sharing tips and itineraries for budget travelers worldwide. Join the adventure!”

Board Names and Descriptions:

Pinterest boards organize your pins and help users find content that interests them. Start by creating boards that align with the main categories of your blog. For example, if your blog is about healthy living, you might create boards for “Healthy Recipes,” “Workout Routines,” and “Wellness Tips.”

Each board should have a clear, descriptive name that includes keywords relevant to your blog’s niche. In the board description, give a brief overview of what people can expect to find, again using keywords that align with your blog content. This helps your boards rank higher in Pinterest search results.

Claim Your Website (Again, Yes):

If you haven’t claimed your website yet, revisit the importance of doing so here. Once your website is claimed, it appears on your profile, and all content from your blog that’s pinned to Pinterest will automatically link back to your site. This not only drives traffic but also builds trust with your audience.

Enable Rich Pins:

This was covered in the previous section, but it’s worth noting again that Rich Pins add extra details directly on your pin, making them more engaging and clickable. They sync with your blog’s metadata, ensuring that any updates you make to a post on your blog are reflected on Pinterest without you needing to do anything.

Boosting Visibility with Keywords

Pinterest is a search engine, so keywords are essential for getting your content discovered. Here’s how to use them effectively:

In Your Profile:

Include relevant keywords in your name (e.g., “Jane Doe | Travel Blogger”) and bio to help your profile show up in search results.

In Your Board Names:

Instead of vague board names like “Yummy Recipes,” go for something more searchable like “Easy Healthy Dinner Recipes.”

In Board Descriptions:

Write board descriptions that naturally incorporate keywords. This could be something like, “Find a collection of easy-to-make, healthy dinner recipes that your whole family will love.”

Step 3: Creating Engaging and SEO-Friendly Pins

Creating pins that grab attention and drive traffic to your blog is where the magic happens on Pinterest. But not all pins are created equal. To make your pins stand out and get found by the right people, you need to focus on design, SEO, and the type of content that resonates with your audience.

Best Practices for Pin Design

  1. Vertical Images:

    • Pinterest favors vertical images, so always use a 2:3 aspect ratio for your pins (e.g., 1000 x 1500 pixels). Vertical pins take up more space in the feed, making them more likely to be noticed. If you use a design tool like Canva, you can easily find templates with the correct dimensions.
  2. Text Overlays:

    • Adding text overlays to your images can make your pins more engaging and clickable. Use a clear, bold font that is easy to read even on smaller screens. The text should highlight the key message of your blog post, like “10 Easy Healthy Dinner Recipes” or “How to Start a Travel Blog.” Keep it short and punchy—just enough to entice users to click through.
  3. Bright Colors and High-Quality Images:

    • Pins with bright, contrasting colors tend to stand out more in the feed. Choose images that are high-quality, crisp, and visually appealing. Avoid cluttered or dark images that might get lost in the sea of content on Pinterest. If possible, use original images that reflect your brand’s aesthetic.
  4. Branding Your Pins:

    • Consistency is key to building a recognizable brand on Pinterest. Include your blog’s logo or website URL subtly on your pins. This not only helps with brand recognition but also ensures that even if your pin is saved multiple times, viewers can still trace it back to your blog.

Writing Effective Pin Descriptions

  1. Use Relevant Keywords:

    • Pinterest operates like a search engine, so using the right keywords in your pin descriptions is crucial. Think about what terms your target audience might search for. For example, if your blog post is about healthy meal planning, include phrases like “meal prep ideas” or “healthy eating tips.” Use Pinterest’s search bar to find popular keywords related to your content.
  2. Be Descriptive but Concise:

    • While it’s important to include keywords, don’t just stuff them into your description. Make sure the text reads naturally and provides value. Aim for a conversational tone that matches your blog’s voice. For example, “Discover simple meal prep ideas that make healthy eating a breeze. Perfect for busy weeknights!” This not only makes your pin more discoverable but also encourages users to click through.
  3. Include a Call to Action (CTA):

    • Adding a call to action in your pin description can increase engagement. Phrases like “Read more,” “Get the recipe,” or “Learn how” can prompt users to click on your pin and visit your blog. It’s a simple way to guide your audience on what to do next.
  4. Hashtags:

    • Pinterest allows the use of hashtags, though they aren’t as powerful as they are on platforms like Instagram. Still, adding a few relevant hashtags can help your content get discovered. Stick to 2-3 hashtags that are closely related to your content, such as #TravelTips or #HealthyRecipes.

Creating Different Types of Pins

  1. Standard Pins:

    • These are the typical image pins that most users create. They’re straightforward and can be used to highlight any type of blog content.
  2. Video Pins:

    • Video pins are increasingly popular on Pinterest and can be a great way to engage users. They automatically play in the feed, which can grab attention. Consider using video pins for content that benefits from a demonstration, like tutorials or recipe walkthroughs.
  3. Idea Pins:

    • Idea Pins (formerly known as Story Pins) are multi-page pins that allow you to share a story or series of tips. They’re ideal for step-by-step guides or highlighting multiple aspects of a single topic. Although these don’t link directly to your blog, they can build brand awareness and keep users engaged.

Testing and Tweaking Your Pins

  • A/B Testing:

    • Not sure what type of pin will perform best? Try creating multiple versions of a pin for the same blog post. Vary the design, text overlay, or even the image used. Over time, you can see which version drives the most traffic and engagement, helping you refine your approach.
  • Track Performance with Pinterest Analytics:

    • Keep an eye on your pin performance using Pinterest Analytics. Look at metrics like impressions, saves, and click-through rates to see what’s working. If a pin isn’t performing well, consider tweaking the design or description and testing it again.

Step 4: Building a Consistent Pinterest Strategy

Pinterest success requires more than just great pins; it hinges on consistency and strategic planning. Regular pinning and thoughtful engagement with your audience are key to turning Pinterest into a steady source of traffic for your blog. Here’s how to build a strategy that works.

Consistency is Key

  1. Regular Pinning:

    • To stay relevant on Pinterest, you need to be pinning content daily. This keeps your blog’s content in front of your audience and signals to Pinterest’s algorithm that your account is active and worth promoting. The good news is you don’t have to do this manually every day. RecurPost, a versatile social media scheduler, can automate this process. It allows you to schedule your pins in advance, so you can maintain a consistent presence on Pinterest without the daily grind.
  2. Creating Fresh Content:

    • Pinterest favors fresh content, but that doesn’t mean you need to constantly create new blog posts. You can keep your content fresh by regularly creating new pins for existing blog posts. For example, if you have a popular evergreen post, design a few new pins with different images or headlines to give it a new life on Pinterest.
  3. Repurposing Old Content:

    • Don’t let your older content fade into obscurity. By creating new pins for older blog posts, you can reintroduce valuable content to your audience. This not only increases the longevity of your blog posts but also maximizes the potential traffic each post can generate.

Scheduling and Automation with RecurPost

  1. Why RecurPost?

    • RecurPost is more than just a scheduler—it’s a powerful tool designed to help you manage your Pinterest strategy effortlessly. With RecurPost, you can schedule your pins to be posted at optimal times, ensuring that your content reaches your audience when they’re most active. It also offers features like content libraries, which allow you to categorize and recycle your best-performing pins, making sure that your top content continues to drive traffic.
  2. Scheduling in Batches:

    • One of the most efficient ways to manage your Pinterest content is by scheduling in batches. Use RecurPost to plan out your pins for the week or month in one sitting. This way, you can focus on other aspects of your blog while knowing your Pinterest strategy is running smoothly in the background.

Engaging with Your Audience

  1. Follow and Engage with Relevant Boards:

    • Building a community on Pinterest isn’t just about pinning your own content. Engage with other users by following relevant boards and repinning their content. Leave thoughtful comments and interact with other pinners in your niche. This can help increase your visibility and attract more followers to your profile.
  2. Respond to Comments and Messages:

    • Pinterest may not be as interaction-heavy as other platforms, but engaging with your audience is still important. Respond to comments on your pins and any messages you receive. This not only builds a loyal following but also encourages more interaction with your pins, which can boost their visibility.

Leveraging Group Boards and Collaborations

  1. Group Boards:

    • Although the effectiveness of group boards has diminished over time, they can still be useful for reaching a wider audience. Look for high-quality, active group boards in your niche and request to join. Pinning to these boards can expose your content to followers beyond your own audience.
  2. Collaborations:

    • Collaborating with other bloggers in your niche is another way to expand your reach. You can create shared boards or collaborate on pinning projects. This kind of partnership not only helps you reach a new audience but also builds relationships within your blogging community.

Tracking and Adjusting Your Strategy

  1. Using Pinterest Analytics:

    • To get the most out of your Pinterest strategy, you need to regularly check your performance metrics. Pinterest Analytics offers insights into how your pins are performing, including impressions, saves, and click-through rates. Use this data to see what types of pins resonate most with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  2. Refining Your Approach:

    • Based on your analytics, be ready to tweak your strategy. If you notice that certain pins or types of content are driving more traffic, create more of those. Conversely, if something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it up. Flexibility and responsiveness are key to long-term success on Pinterest.

Step 5: Analyzing and Adapting Using Pinterest Analytics

Creating and pinning content is just the beginning. To truly harness the power of Pinterest for your blog, you need to regularly analyze your performance and adapt your strategy based on what’s working. This step is crucial for maximizing traffic and ensuring that your efforts are paying off.

Understanding Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics provides valuable insights into how your pins and boards are performing. Here are the key metrics you should be tracking:

  1. Impressions:

    • This metric tells you how often your pins are shown on Pinterest. High impressions indicate that your pins are being seen by a lot of people, which is the first step toward driving traffic to your blog.
  2. Saves:

    • Saves (or repins) show how often users are saving your content to their boards. A high number of saves suggests that your content resonates with your audience, increasing its potential to be shared and seen by even more users.
  3. Clicks:

    • Clicks are perhaps the most important metric, as they show how many people are actually visiting your blog from Pinterest. Tracking clicks helps you understand which pins are most effective at driving traffic.
  4. Engagement Rate:

    • This metric is a combination of saves, clicks, and close-ups (when someone clicks on a pin to see it in more detail). A high engagement rate means your pins are not just being seen, but also being interacted with, which is crucial for building a loyal audience.

Using Insights to Adapt Your Strategy

  1. Identify High-Performing Pins:

    • Start by identifying which of your pins have the highest impressions, saves, and clicks. What do these pins have in common? Is it the design, the topic, or the keywords used in the description? Use this information to create more content in a similar vein.
  2. Refine Your Pin Design:

    • If certain types of images or text overlays consistently perform better, lean into those styles. For instance, if pins with bold text overlays get more clicks, make that a standard in your design process.
  3. Experiment with New Ideas:

    • Don’t be afraid to try new things based on your analytics. If a certain board or type of pin isn’t performing well, consider reworking it or trying a different approach. Pinterest is all about visuals, so small changes in design or content focus can lead to significant improvements in performance.
  4. Optimize Pin Descriptions:

    • Review your pin descriptions and ensure they are keyword-rich and compelling. Use Pinterest Analytics to see which keywords are driving the most engagement and clicks. Over time, you can refine your descriptions to better align with what your audience is searching for.

Regularly Reviewing and Updating Your Strategy

  1. Weekly Check-Ins:

    • Set aside time each week to review your Pinterest Analytics. Look for trends in your pin performance and make adjustments as needed. This might involve tweaking your pinning schedule, creating more of a certain type of pin, or focusing on a different topic.
  2. Monthly Deep Dives:

    • Once a month, take a deeper dive into your analytics to evaluate your overall strategy. Are you seeing growth in impressions, saves, and clicks? Which boards are performing best? Use this information to plan your content strategy for the next month.
  3. Long-Term Adjustments:

    • Over time, your blog’s focus or your audience’s preferences might shift. Regular analysis allows you to stay agile and adapt your Pinterest strategy to these changes, ensuring that your content remains relevant and engaging.


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